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World's first minimalist cloud

Instant Lab Launch

Transform your training experience with our innovative platform! You can launch cloud labs at lightning speed by creating snapshots of base server. Say goodbye to time-consuming setups and hello to hassle-free training sessions!

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Create Base Image

Launch an instance, install all required softwares for your next training and take snapshot.

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Launch Labs

10 or 100 students? Create dedicated cloud labs for your students with just one single click.

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Education must be affordable and we understand it. We have the best price per server favouring your wallet.


The Answers You Need empowers you to effortlessly create cloud labs for your students. By leveraging server snapshots, you can save valuable time that was previously spent on complex setups. Our platform is designed to enhance your teaching experience and enable you to focus more on delivering engaging content to your students.

How can help me as a trainer?

Absolutely! We provide you with the tools to manage multiple cloud labs within a single, user-friendly interface. You can easily oversee various labs, power on/off, attach/detach volume and track your cloud usage all in one single platform.

Can I manage multiple cloud labs at once? is designed to be user-friendly, even if you have limited technical expertise. Our minimalist approach simplifies the process of creating and managing cloud labs, making it accessible for trainers with varying levels of technical knowledge.

What technical knowledge do I need to use offers scalability that adapts to your needs. Whether you have a small class or a large cohort of students, our platform scales seamlessly to accommodate your class size, ensuring a consistent experience for all learners.

How scalable is for different class sizes?

Why Trainers ❤️ knakl


It just takes 45 seconds to launch a new lab for your students


Increase in student engagement! People learn faster by doing


impressive uptime allowing students to connect anytime, anywhere


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